
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blue April Spools

Meg started a tradition of showing your spools/bobbins on April 1.  Just finished winding off these lovely blue bobbins to go onto the next painted warp for scarves in shades of dark royal/Bristol blue.

I mentioned last week that I had closed the door on vending at fibre festivals and lo and behold, a window of opportunity opened.  Given my current schedule it was a little bit of madness that caused me to agree and sign the contract, but it was an offer I simply could not refuse in light of my desire to do more 'remote' teaching.  Teach more, travel less, as it were.

Beginning next week (probably, date isn't confirmed yet but since I'll be out of town thought I'd do the reveal now) I will be doing blog posts for the Craftsy website.

My first post has been submitted and approved, I've begun the second and today I hope to sit down with pencil and paper (because I still think better, old school) and draw up a list of future posts.

Committing to doing 2 posts per month (to begin with - we'll see how I do and if they want more) for the next three years was a bit daunting.  But then I looked at this blog - since August of 2008 I've posted nearly 1500 entries.  A bit embarrassing, except so many of you say you do read them.

A blog really isn't very long in terms of a piece of written work.  It's difficult to cover anything in depth, so my approach - at least to begin with - will be to discuss concepts over in depth technical information.  There is another opportunity dangling in front of me which would allow me to cover technical aspects in much greater depth so I'm hoping that materializes.

Nothing in life is certain.  We can only continue to try different things.  When one avenue closes, due to unforeseen circumstances, there is always another option - turn back, turn aside, find a detour.  But don't stop trying, never give up your dream.  My dream of being a professional weaver has been an amazing journey.  It has taken me places and introduced me to people I'd never have dreamed of.  So happy it isn't over yet!


  1. I must admit, I didn't even realize Craftsy HAD a blog. You'll be a brilliant addition - I'll be sure to watch for it now that I know it exists!

  2. I've been following your blog for ~6 months now, and I'm also a big fan of Craftsy. I'm thrilled you'll be blogging there as well and I look forward to reading your Craftsy posts!

  3. Laura, you inspire me. You never give up. I want to live my dream also.

  4. This makes me smile! I am so glad you will be imparting your wisdom to everyone, and I will look forward to each and every post.

    I love the blue spools.

  5. I've been reading your blog for a couple years now. I have learned a lot from you. That's great that you'll be writing for Craftsy!

  6. Look very much forward to your vids over yonder; I take it these will be more tutorial? And, ahem, for the other thing, thank you very much for the reminder. Ahem....

  7. Good on you, Laura! Guess I'll have to check out Craftsy now. I've been resistant, I think because of the name.

  8. That is great news! Look forward to it.

  9. looking forward to seeing your blog posts over at craftsy!

  10. Congratulations Laura! I am so happy for you! I am impressed with everything Craftsy does and they are lucky to have you as an addition to their team :)

  11. Update: first post is scheduled for April 11. :)
