
Saturday, May 10, 2014


Long and Winding Road

This post is number 1500.  Wow.  1500 blog posts since starting this journey in August 2008.

Anniversaries and milestones are a time for looking back, to appreciate the road travelled, maybe marvel a little at how far one has come, the obstacles and detours along the way as well as the high points.   It's been an incredible journey so far.

Yes, there have been dips in the road, places where it all but disappeared, where floods washed it out and bailey bridges needed to be built.  Or where the road seemed to go somewhere else entirely, only to come back to the main road.  On those occasions, lessons needed to be learned, skill sets improved, before forward progress could begin again.

When I chose weaving for a life, I thought I would weave for 25 years and then teach for 25.  Instead I began my teaching 'career' the same month I began weaving.  It was easier to agree to teach all those hopeful faces than to say no!  (My first foray into teaching was spinning, not weaving, just to make that clear!)

With nearly 40 years of weaving, teaching and writing about weaving under my belt, what's next?  I don't know, exactly.  What I do know is that I have way too much yarn that will need to be used up.  I have a studio full of stuff related to weaving, stuff that I have carefully gathered over the years to make the 'job' of weaving easier for me.  I have a love for threads that I want to share with anyone who is interested.

How that passion (yes, I confess to a passionate addiction!) will be conveyed is beginning to come clear, although one never really knows the opportunities that will be delivered:

The Master program at Olds College.  Craftsy blogs.  A couple of yet to be announced projects in the works (but not wanting to 'jinx' them, shall remain in the shadows until closer to completion).

As a new wannabe weaver, I had vague notions of what I would like to accomplish.  Teaching at Convergence and other regional conferences was pretty high on the list.  Check

Writing for magazines.  Check

Teaching around the country.  Check

What I did not foresee was:  Writing a book that some people refer to as a 'classic'.  Teaching not only in Canada but other countries.  Meeting a community of people who are breathtaking in their knowledge, enthusiasm and generosity.

Do I have regrets?  Yes, some.  There are things that I wish I had done differently.  But overall?  I have no regrets about that fateful day in March of 1975 when I suggested that a person could weave fabric and sell it to make a little money and Doug agreed that sounded like a plan.  None.  None whatsoever.


  1. One look at her, all bright eyed, and I could not help but encourage her.

  2. Terrific. So glad you share this, and all your fiber-y thoughts. And skills. And energy. And eagerness to take on new challenges. You inspire so many of us.
