
Sunday, May 4, 2014

300 degrees (approximately)

Not quite a complete 360 but here is the one end of the studio, almost ready for the Big Project.  Just wish I were confident this cold would be gone by Tuesday.  Two weeks or 14 days - and I'm on day 11...

view as you enter the door

moving to the left - the library

passage to the other end of the studio with the warp winding station

other side of the passage and the newly cleared shelves waiting for more yarn

back to the doorway just out of view to the left

While I would love to have such a clean studio to work in, reality is that I doubt this will last much beyond next Friday!  The clutter we removed from this end of the studio is just gone to live somewhere else, not dealt with in any final solution kind of way.  Much of the bins stored here are to do with bobbin lace and I'm not ready to get rid of any of that - yet.  And so they will likely simply return and get stacked up in the corner again.  Not to mention the loom that usually lives in front of the dresser in the last photo.  Currently on loan to a friend, it will likely come back at some point - unless I decide to sell it.

It's a 24 shaft Margaret (Woolhouse) lever loom and I bought it as a 'retirement' loom.  Well, I'm not ready to 'retire' yet and it's been getting very little use for the past few years.  I feel bad because it's a quite nice loom.  I've woven everything from 40/2 cotton to rayon chenille on it.

But the cleaning up has served several purposes.  There is now room enough (I hope) for the crew to move and do what they need to do.  It is visually a lot more pleasing - less clutter to confuse the eye.  Years of dust bunnies have been vanquished.

After helping to clear out two other weaver's studios last year, I can't help but feel as though I have at least made a start at dealing with some of my own mess.

There is a great deal more to do, but at least I've had the pleasure of having a tidy space, even if only for a few days.

Currently ready Still Midnight by Denise Mina

1 comment:

  1. My dream loom is a 24 shaft Woolhouse Margaret. If you ever decide to sell, I'd be interested! Veronica
