
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans

Things started fairly well this morning.  I read for a while finishing a library book that needs to go back soon, then went to the bank with mom, came home and started on that 50 yard warp on the AVL.  

My back has been dodgy ever since I fell in March and after the weekend I felt it was a bit 'off' but the soonest I could get in to have an adjustment was Friday.  In the meantime I carried on...until I went to get up from the loom. 

The rest of the day I've been taking muscle relaxants and alternating between hot/cold packs.  

And hemming.  There's lots of that to catch up on!

Currently reading The Dead in all their Vaults by Alan Bradley

1 comment:

  1. ouch! Take care of that back. As soon as it whispers to you, be sure to pay attention.
