
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Customer Satisfaction/Service

Glamour shot of the orange/beige towels

One of the things I did a few years ago (quite a few years ago - pre-internet days) was take a class on marketing.

One of the sessions was on Customer Service and Satisfaction.  One of the bits of trivia that stuck in my head was that a happy customer will generally tell 11 people how happy they are.  An unhappy customer will tell around 27.  Now that's just an average - some people tell a whole lot more, some less.  But that was in the days before the internet.  Nowadays, if one of those 'people' you tell about your experience is Facebook, or one of the chat groups, the number goes up exponentially.

Recently someone posted to Facebook that she had had another poor experience with a product and she vowed to never ever purchase a similar product again.  She effectively painted that entire product line with the same brush (bad).  Anyone reading of her bad experience will no doubt avoid that product.  After all, why waste your money?  But what if her experience was quite specific to that particular product?  What if the fault lie in the format, which didn't appeal to her but might to others?  What if it was the presenter?  Someone else might have felt they got good value for their money with that product.  Or with a different topic.  Or a different presenter.

As someone who has things to sell, the greatest gift anyone who has purchased one of my products is to tell their friends if they are happy.  But not just say you are happy, but what benefit you derived from it.

I just checked the Weaving Today website and looked at the webinar I did for them last year.  Now I know people have watched it - some of you have emailed to let me know.  But I also noticed that no one has posted a review!  Therefore anyone looking at it today, seeing that it was first 'published' last summer and that it has no stars, no reviews, will surely wonder if it is worthwhile to take - after all no one has said they found it interesting or valuable.  Do they dare sign up and potentially waste their money on a 'bad' product?

With the next Big Project set to launch in mid-July I ask that if you purchase it, find it interesting, valuable, worthwhile, please let your friends know.  I ask this not just for me but for all of our hard working instructors.  It's how we make our money, how we fund our passion, some of us, even put food on the table.

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