
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Plans Change

Once again I have had to learn the lesson of not growing too attached to my plans because sometimes the universe, god, what have you, has other plans for me.

While I am happy about that, it means I will not be attending Complex Weavers Seminar after all.  It is a huge disappointment to not go and be able to visit with other weavers, many of them known primarily via the Internet.  I was looking forward to face to face interactions and to not just see but actually be able to feel the textiles.  But once again I had to cancel.

But such is life.  High points, low points, sometimes both at once!

Currently reading The Rest of the Darkness by Susan Hill


  1. Pity....But that's life!
    Things never go as we plan

  2. Sorry I won't see you at CW. Take care of yourself!!

  3. So sorry I won't see you. Hope all is well. Take good care.

  4. So sorry I won't see you. Hope all is well. Take good care.

  5. So sorry that you had to cancel. I was looking forward to seeing you. Hope that all is well.

  6. I'm sorry to hear it! I, too, had been looking forward to seeing you there.
