
Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Day 'Off'

Some of the towels available on the July Special of buy two items get free shipping - I can send photos of what is available...prices range from $24 to $36 each.  A Good Yarn: Cotton is now sold out (unless I find another copy hidden away, but I think I've got them all unpacked now).  A Good Yarn:  Rayon - 21 left.  Weave a V - lots.

When you are self-employed, every day is a potential work day.  It is also potentially a day 'off'.

And so it was yesterday.  I've been pushing myself steadily since getting home from Vancouver and it was time to set the studio aside for a bit.  The morning was taken up with doing the 'mom' taxi thing, knitting drop in and then an email from a friend asking if I wanted to visit.  We arranged to meet at Tim Horton's (coffee chain here in Canada) and we talked the whole afternoon.

By the time I got home it was dinner time and after we ate, instead of heading down to the loom, I worked on the mountain of hemming.

Today I got some news on the health front - some positive, some - well, time will tell if I can take the new medication without nasty adverse effects.  :(

Currently reading Saints of the Shadow Bible by Ian Rankin


  1. Hi there, I don't post often but want you to know I follow you and appreciate all you have given to the weaving community. Thanks for being so open about your health issues. We all can learn from each other. Hope the towels I'm coveting are still available when, and if, I get a position, so that I can pay.

    Best to you,


  2. Thanks. Good luck finding a position. :)
