
Thursday, July 31, 2014

It's Official! (The Big Reveal)

So this is what it has been all about - or half of it, at least.

In May a film crew came to Prince George and taped this and The Efficient Weaver, due out in about a month.

It was great fun to have Anita and Garrett here (this one was taped in the guild room, The Efficient Weaver in my studio).  It was also a lot of work but well worth it.  For all those people who have been asking me for years when I was going to do a DVD, here 'tis.

Well, one more thing to cross off my bucket list???

For information on how to order 


  1. Wow, not one but TWO big projects - congratulations!

  2. I haven't even seen the final result yet - a little hesitant about promoting it!!! ;) Hope people find it helpful.


  3. A-HA! I got an email from Weaving Today, offering this. It looks great! Congratulations!

  4. Hi there, I received the two towels I ordered today. Such beautiful weaving and great to have something that you wove. I love the blue/green and always love linen. Thanks!

  5. Awesome, Laura! So excited to have your wisdom on video.

  6. Michelle, do you mean the dvd? The benefit to the dvd is the demos of the various processes. :)

  7. Yeah! I bet it feels GREAT to have accomplished this. If you ever sit around and start feeling like you're not accomplishing much, just read your blog!

  8. I knew it was something to do with vids - you probably mentioned it - but this is better than anything I had imagined! I might wait until the other one comes out to order - or maybe today. I'm having a wee problem with the Interweave website, and they told me they have been super busy. There isn't enough written about wet finishing, you know. You're practically the only teacher who takes interest in that part. Thank goodness for Laura Fry, I say.

  9. Hello Laura, just finished watching your new video. Well made! I learned so much especially about wool fulling and practical method for doing and monitoring the process results. Congratulations!

  10. Laura, cudos to your hard work!

  11. If you think the presentation is useful, I hope you will leave a positive review on the website, chat groups you belong to, etc....


  12. Proper finishing is SO important - as I was reminded when I recently got a set of hemp and cotton waffle weave towels off the loom. Such a difference after a hot machine wash and dry! You are definitely the best person to do this video for Interweave. Big congrats, Laura!

  13. Thanks, Louisa, I was really quite nervous about it. :) I still haven't seen the whole works myself, although the Intro video clip on their website looked.....ok...


  14. Bravo M'dear! Bout time too! ;-)

    I saw the video trailer on Weaving today. And I must say, you look great on camera too! Gonna order the book right away just because I owe you for all the tips and help you've unknowingly given me. Newbie here but I've gained a lot thru your YT vids and your blog here. You're one of the best! Thanks Laura and congratulations.

    Tom Z. in IL

  15. Silly me. I meant the DVD! Just ordered it.
    Tom Z in IL
