
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Life, Reimangined

Once again Life has taught me that you should never get too attached to your plans because when Life Happens, you are not in control anymore.  Doesn't matter what plans you may have, other things suddenly need to take priority.

I won't go into the details of my health issues except to say that once again I am 'special'.  Surgery is required to fix the problem but because the surgeon does not consider me 'critical' the wait time could be significant.  Since I don't have any idea of when the surgery will be done and the recovery time is significant (4-5 months if all goes well) I thought long and hard about my plans and teaching bookings.

Although I was booked to teach at Complex Weavers I had to cancel at the last possible minute which put the conference organizers in an impossible position.  I don't want to do that to any other group so I have outright cancelled all my teaching dates.  This should give everyone time to make alternate arrangements in plenty of time.

Once the surgery is successfully accomplished I should be good to go again - if the cancer doesn't rear it's head any time soon.  Another uncertainty over which I have no control - except to live as healthy a life style as I can manage.

Getting old and decrepit isn't for sissies...

Thing is, I love teaching.  I love seeing the spark in other people's eyes as they get the concepts.  It is this interaction - in person - that I will miss the most.  Because I'm not done teaching yet.  There is still the internet - this blog, the Craftsy blog, You Tube (if I feel inspired to do more video clips).

There is also the Big Project from May, due out very soon.  I promised I would not do the Big Reveal until after Convergence was over.  Some of you have guessed from my rather heavy handed hints.  :)

There is also the possibility of self-publishing, which I set aside but may re-visit in the form of digital downloads, not actual publications.

With the increase in shipping costs sales of 'real' paper type publications has fallen off.  I still have 8 copies of A Good Yarn:  Cotton and way too many copies of A Good Yarn:  Rayon and Weave a V by Kerstin Froberg left.  I'd love to see them in new homes so I'm thinking of doing a Special Offer of these and Magic in Water on Cd (three left) or on a flash drive.  I will make an announcement about that tomorrow.


  1. Sorry to read this Laura. Sounds like you are giving it twist towards what is possible for you just now. That sounds positive. I'll keep fingers crossed that the op will be sooner rather than later, so that you can get on with life as you would like it to be. Take care!

  2. Ohh Laura I will be putting you on my prayer list & my good thought list.

    I am a new weaver & hopefully will have you around for a very very long time to learn from!! You talked at our guild (Langley Weavers & Spinners Guild) recently & found you wonderful to listen to. I hope to see you again soon!!

  3. Your health problems sound very serious so I'm glad you are taking good care of yourself.

    On the issue of publication, you've probably looked into it, but the Blurb-type print-if-you-want-one option may work for some of us who like to have real, printed books in our real hands, and you don't have to worry about packing or stock.

  4. Too bad "not critical" translates to "put your life on hold!" It would be much easier to bear if you could just get it done now and be on your way to recovery. I know how hard it is to have so many unknowns hanging over your shoulder. Take care, and keep on keeping on!
