
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Place Mat Progress

If you have been following along on my adventures, you might remember this post.

Well, that pile of yarn now looks like this:

Yes, this is all that is left as of today.  I've already wound the warp for the cream and will wind two more shorter warps for the rose and green because there is less than one pound of each of those and it was taking about l pound 3 ounces of yarn for the weft on my standard length mat warp.

In addition to this progress making place mats, I've also woven 32 tea towels, using up 6+ pounds of the singles 10 tow linen.  With 4 and a bit pounds left, I've beamed a 30 yard cream warp in hopes of seeing the end of that particular yarn very shortly, too.

One of the things cancelling my teaching contracts has done is open up the next year to not having to think about anyone else - no hand outs, no re-tooling class samples, no ironing out travel details.  It is kind of refreshing to be a little bit selfish, only having to think about what I want to do.  Getting stuck into my stash and using it up as quickly as I can.

In the meantime I'm in limbo waiting to hear what happens next - and finding out a possible time line for when it's going to happen.  So I'm trying to stay in the here and now, focus on weaving and picking my way through as much of my stash as I possibly can.


  1. I love the way you can find the positive aspects of the changes life throws at you.

    Here's hoping you get a medical timeline soon!

  2. We have just two choices. Lament what we cannot change, or celebrate what we can. Doesn't mean I don't spiral down the sink hole once in a while, but my friends always toss me a lifeline so I can climb back out. ;)

