
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Bronson Lace and Spot Bronson

Spot Bronson in a point progression.  The weave structure will 'pivot' so do not repeat the final block when repeating the threading or treadling.

Bronson Lace.  Half of one repeat shown.  Again, do not repeat the 'pivot' blocks at the centre and end of the repeat.

I usually don't like lifting a whole lot of shafts so I tend to weave lace or spot weaves so that fewer shafts would be lifted.  Compare the above draft to this:

By weaving the cloth as mostly lace with just some plain weave, you lift a lot fewer shafts.

But that much lace might be too much for the cloth desired.

What differentiates Spot Bronson from Bronson Lace (or sometimes Atwater-Bronson) is that in order to get lace you have to have two units of the weave structure side by side both vertically and horizontally.  The lace 'hole' happens at the intersection of the four units.  If there is only one unit of Bronson surrounded on all sides by plain weave that is considered a 'spot'.

Currently reading Elemental - a collection of short stores written by a number of different authors building on Mercedes Lackey's Elemental series


  1. That should be Elementary, not Elemental.

  2. Would love to see a photo of this in progress.
    Thank goodness I have only a 4 shaft loom or I would be rushing into the studio to start on this and I am a very beginning Beginner.

  3. Not actually weaving right now. This post was an explanation for someone else. :)

