
Friday, October 10, 2014

Show Season

Autumn is well advanced now.  Many of the trees have dropped their leaves, others are still showing some colour.  Nights are getting chilly.  It is the time to get winter tires on the vehicles - hopefully in advance of the (ahem) white precipitation!

It is also getting very close to show season.  Once Doug loads the van with the show stuff, it will stay in the van in between shows until we are done.

Just four shows this year - two here in Prince George, one in Vancouver, one in Calgary.  And then a tiny show in the guild room.  Must remember to make up flyers to advertise that, too.

The guild has received a large number of donations the past two years.  Older guild members are passing on to the big weaving studio in the great beyond and leaving their beloved stashes behind.

It all makes me even more determined to re-establish some sort of functionality and use up more of my stash!

But I'm not quite there yet.  I'm continuing to take things 'easy', exploring the new boundaries my health issues are imposing on me.  I'm hoping to gently ease back into some sort of routine, although the show season will interrupt that as we get busy with packing, unpacking, doing the shows.

In the meantime I'm continuing with transcribing interviews, picking away at the 30 yard warp on the AVL and tackling the latest hemming pile.

And in between, promoting weaving as much as I can - here is the link to the interview with the local cable tv station.  Nearly two hours condensed into a little over two minutes.  :)

Watch it here

Currently reading A Finer End by Deborah Crombie


  1. Lovely interview! Great to hear the sounds of the loom in the background too :-)

  2. Laura, your interview is wonderful. Love seeing you in your element.

  3. I, too, love the video! Great job!

  4. I just bought your Wet Finishing DVD. Excellent!!!Now I'll track down the book. Well needed reference.
