
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Beauty Shots

Meg issued a challenge to see if people could capture textiles in a photograph.

Here are a few shots I took at the craft fair...

shawl - wool, bamboo, silk

shawl - wool with silver mylar

silk - hand dyed and commercially dyed yarns

rayon - hand painted warp


  1. I love the third shot - the swirls of the textiles goes well with the design of the cloth. The last one, however, makes me feel I need to go look for Christmas candy now - yes, the ribbon-y kind! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Great minds! I thought of ribbon candy, too. These are lovely, Laura.

  3. I wish I'd been there! Safe journey coming up ....

  4. Beautiful cloth! The photos really let you touch the cloth with your eyes - drape, hand, surface texture.
