
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Packing Up

will be on display in my booth - Doug managed to get it pressed (along with a dozen others) in spite of electrical problems at the annex

We have spent the last couple of days getting ready to leave for Circle Craft.  It seems as though we are packing everything - booth, electrical stuff, inventory, our clothing plus food.  We will - hopefully - have a kitchenette in Vancouver so we will be able to make breakfast and lunch.  That will help with the trip expenses.

It has rained pretty much all day and it is black as can be outside.  I'm really hoping the weather forecast for dry weather in the morning is accurate!  Of course the weather can change - repeatedly - during a nearly 500 mile journey.

And then there is the trip from Vancouver to Calgary - a two day drive - through not one but several mountain ranges.  Keep fingers crossed for good driving conditions!

I think I'm getting too old for this


  1. Hope you have safe travels and profitable shows!

  2. I hear you. I never do shows more than about 2 hours away, but the packing, setting up, tearing down, & unpacking are hard, for sure. If I didn't really like having the customer interaction, I'd probably try a whole different avenue with my weaving...although I don't know what that would be. :-)

    Be safe, have fun, make $$.
