
Wednesday, December 17, 2014


This photo is a little out of focus but with my future a tad 'blurry' at the least the colours are pretty accurate and you can see the nice thick roll of cloth building up on the beam.  So, all in all, the photo seemed appropriate for where my life is at the minute.

A friend asked me if the waiting wasn't really hard.  I said that it wasn't, now that I had some sort of semi-accurate timeline.  Not knowing when it might happen was much harder.  Knowing that it is coming soon allows me to get mentally prepared as well as working out some of the logistics.  Another friend always says that it is better to have done something than that you will be doing something - especially something that has a certain level of...unpleasantness about it.

At this point in time I've reached the stage where I'd just like to get it over and done with.  I survived the broken ankle.  I survived the chemo.  I will survive this.  And ultimately, the quality of life after recovery should be better than it is now.

So for the time being I am using weaving as therapy.  My chances for a speedy recovery will be better if I can maintain some level of physical and mental fitness.  If I can continue to weave, even if it is just 'easy' stuff, I should be able to retain some physical fitness and the endorphins from the aerobic activity, mild as it may be, will help me mentally as I face at least 6 weeks after surgery before I can weave again.  And even then, I expect it will have to be on the Leclerc, weaving something that doesn't require a whomp of the beater.

To that end, I've planned to leave the Leclerc with a shawl warp that requires a very gentle open spacing of the weft, not a place mat warp or even a scarf warp.

I have purchased clothing that buttons down the front (won't be able to raise my hands over my head for a while), decided that Doug will stay at the hotel next door to the hospital so that he can bring me 'safe' meals (I don't trust the hospital to be able to cater to my very specialized allergy restrictions) and that we will fly home.  I have stocked up on books, puzzles and may possibly have hand hemming to do if I get a bunch of place mats woven.

My schedule (such as it may be) for the next few weeks are to:
- finish the towel warp on the AVL
- weave the two painted scarf warps
- weave place mats on the Leclerc - two special orders plus general inventory - as much as I can manage
- weave a special order for a table topper on the AVL as soon as the yarn arrives
- wind the shawl warp to leave on the Leclerc for recovery - and get it onto the loom before we leave, whenever that may be

The hospital will phone to let me know the anticipated date about two weeks before they think they can fit me in.  At that time we will hope the hotel has a kitchenette available for 10 days, which, being January, they ought to.  There will be things to deal with before we go - two weeks should be ample time to arrange them - house sitter, mail collector, driveway shoveler (probably all the same person), bills to pay, suitcases to pack.

I can't help but think of the line from Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - Everything will be all right in the end.  If it's not all right, it is not yet the end.


  1. I don't think anyone could be more 'ready' than that, Laura - sounds like a very well thought out plan to me!

  2. I'm sure the time ahead seems scary but you're doing all you can to prepare....and your positive mental attitude will go a long way to easing your mind. I'm sending you good thoughts and prayers that your procedure goes smoothly and that you are feeling "in the pink" in very short order.

  3. What I found best after bypass surgery was to get in as much walking as I had strength for. The first day home, none. The second, to the end of the long driveway and back. The third, to the end of the neighbor's driveway and back. And so on until I was walking a mile every day. It got my breathing and energy back to normal faster than I had expected. Hang in there!

  4. Thanks everyone. I am daunted at the prospect, for a number of reasons. But we live in a marvellous time, where these things can be repaired. :). Sandra, it will still be deep winter when I get home so my plan is to get down to the studio ASAP and walk laps. Sounds like that is going to be the best therapy. Nice to have feedback from others who have walked this particular path. :)


  5. If I were in your place, I think I would be weaving a lot, too, and planning on the side. Although I can only count in terms of pieces rather than warps. My friend Win who is also a weaver and had a bypass some years ago also says the same as Sandra - get moving. So I guess you're doing all the right things this side of the event.

  6. You have a great attitude and have accepted this surgery. My DHs surgeon told him that was also the best way of going in. We are just celebrating his 2 years. He was walking around our very hilly area better than me a week after surgery. Do you have an indoor mall to walk in? My 80 year old aunt had a triple bypass last week. Her arteries were bad but her heart was very strong, her dr told her it was a textbook boring surgery. Yea! Another family medical event in December, I hate Decembers!

  7. I love that line from the movie, too. It's a great movie with a terrific cast.

    It sounds like maybe, just maybe, you've planned a bit too much for the post-surgery/recovery period?

    Do let us know when so we can all send our positive, healing thoughts!

    Happy Solistice, Merry Christmas, & Best Wishes for 2015!
