
Monday, December 22, 2014


Endings in weaving aren't really endings at all.  Yes, I cut this warp off the loom today so that could be considered 'ended'.  But it's not close to 'done' yet.

The cloth roll is being cut and serged in preparation for wet finishing.  After pressing, they still need to be hemmed, pressed again and then tagged/priced.  Only then will this particular cloth be truly 'done'.  But even then, the job isn't really finished.  They still have to be sold or gifted to a new home.

When your stated goal is to make things to sell, until they are sold you really aren't finished with them.  So as much as I find standing in my booth at a craft fair being pleasant to people uncomfortable, until it's sold, the job isn't finished.

As one exhibitor put it, if it isn't sold, it might as well have stayed raw materials on the shelf.

Now that is, perhaps, an over simplification, but if the whole point of making something is to sell it, then you have to do what needs to be done in order to get it sold.

Making stuff to sell isn't the only reason I make stuff.  I make stuff because I have to.  I have a creative urge that will not be denied.  If I wasn't making, I would be pretty awful to be around.  The difference between me and most other weavers (not all) is that my intention is to sell my textiles, and was from the very beginning.

This isn't something that everyone can do - financially it's a pretty hard road to travel.  Many people find that having a secure job with a regular paycheque and benefits allows them to be creative in their off work hours.  Not everyone can gamble on being able to make and sell things and still be able to eat and keep a roof over their heads.  Others wait until they've put their 25+ years in and can collect their pensions before they start creating and maybe selling a little.

I've always said that weaving can be a good supplemental income but a really hard 'living'.

But whatever level someone participates in making really doesn't matter.  What matters is that we find a life that gives us satisfaction.  Regardless of what you do, every single 'job' will have it's benefits and...frustrations.

Weaving is no different.


  1. Amen! And a Merry Christmas to you and Doug, as well as a healthy and happy New Year!

  2. Hear hear!!
    Love my towels- have I told you yet??

  3. I, too, began weaving with the clear intention of selling it. Albeit only a short decade ago. And I did have a good part-time paycheck to supplement my weaving income. That also meant, however, that I had less time to weave. At least until I retired from the paycheck world at the end of June.

    Now I have more time to weave, and consider myself exceedingly fortunate that for 2014 and, apparently, 2015, the majority of my weaving time and income will be custom work. That presents its own challenges, for sure, but is a pleasure to enjoy for a while, at least. I'm certain that this, too, shall pass.

    Have a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year celebration!
