
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Rabbit Hole

One of the things that attracted me to weaving was the intellectual pursuit of questioning "What would happen if...?"

Over the years I enjoyed digging into this or that aspect of weaving, learning as much as I could about changing various factors and what effect those variables had on the cloth.  

But for the last 10 or so years I simply haven't had the mental acuity to delve into cloth construction in any depth.  

I nearly launched a research project in 2010, then broke my ankle in two places.  Since then weaving has become mostly a "let's use up as much stash as possible while weaving becomes therapy" kind of activity.  

Last spring, after the DVDs were taped I started thinking again about a more intellectual pursuit of weaving and joined Complex Weavers, thinking to join a study group.  I did get the sample I agreed to woven but then life got...complicated...with more health issues.  

Now that surgery is nearly here, hopefully just a few more weeks to wait, I had been commenting to a friend that I would like to pursue the 2010 project, but the special yarn required was no longer commercially available.  While I could spin it myself I'm not a proficient spinner and I'm definitely not fast.  

Turns out she was just as interested in the topic as I am.  And so I have a partner willing to leap into doing some research.  And now I'm anxious to get the surgery over and done with!

As we discuss what could be done, I suspect that leaping into the deep end might be akin to disappearing down a rabbit hole.  Because when you change one thing, everything can change.  And that is part of what I have always found exciting about weaving.  

Currently reading Bones Never Lie by Kathy Reichs. 


  1. So frustrating when life intervenes with what you love. It is nice that weaving is so maliable to life circumstances, though.

    What kind of yarn is it that is no longer available?

  2. Don't want to say too much until we hammer out the details. Now that I am learning more about spinning, I am beginning to see a whole universe of possibilities!

