
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day by Day

Tomorrow marks the end of week four which will put me 2/3s of the way through the first six weeks of healing.  

It has been a slow journey...and it isn't over yet.  I remeber when I broke my ankle how I assumed that at the end of six weeks I would be up and at 'em.  The reality was that the end of six weeks was just the beginning of 'recovery'.  

The good news is that there is significant progress.  I can go longer between doses of pain killers, I'm sleeping better and things just generally seem to be settling down.  The reduction in the beta blocker dose helped my energy levels but I think it needs to come down again.  When I went in to hospital I was taking 12.5 mg per day; when I left I was taking 150 mg a day.  

I'm hoping that things continue to be stable and that I can reduce that further next week. 

The incisions are healing nicely and bothering me much less.  The bad news is that my left hand is taking a very long time to stop being numb so typing is still difficult...which means I'm mostly doing the hunt and peck thing on the iPad.  Thank goodness for the Internet and wifi!

Finally felt well enough to set out a small jigsaw puzzle and between surfing the net and reading, the days trickle by.  

Two thirds through the first bit.  Not much longer until it is over.   Well, the first bit, anyway.

Currently reading Soul of Discretion by Susan Hill


  1. I spot a nice cloth under the puzzle!

  2. Darn it, Meg -- you beat me to the comment!

    Keep up your spirits, Laura. It is really important to the healing process.

  3. I blogged about the tablecloth on Dec 18 of last year. :)


  4. Hang in there. We all love you!

  5. Just wondering about your recovery so glad to see the post. This down time must be difficult - breathe and rest and puzzle. Wish I were closer but thank you for reminder. In surgery prep I shall drag my favorite puzzles. Love and healing.

  6. Hang in there, it will really get easier as you go. Each little bit of progress leads to another.

  7. Keep going! Soon you will be in Rehab mode and walking a bit more each day until you can doa mile, at an incline in 20 minutes twice a day!
    My Cardiologist came in the exam room last fall and told me that I am FIT!!! Made me happy!
    Keep going and enjoy reading- I play Mah-Jong now days. On my iPad- you can spend a lot of time that way!!!

  8. Keep going! Soon you will be in Rehab mode and walking a bit more each day until you can doa mile, at an incline in 20 minutes twice a day!
    My Cardiologist came in the exam room last fall and told me that I am FIT!!! Made me happy!
    Keep going and enjoy reading- I play Mah-Jong now days. On my iPad- you can spend a lot of time that way!!!
