
Monday, March 16, 2015

Ready, Set...

Now that week 8 is half over, and I still haven't heard from the cardiologist's office, I'm getting antsy.  One way of coping with it was to wind a bunch of shawl warps once Doug had enough skeins onto cones.  So for the past few days I have wound 7 warps and pulled potential wefts for them.  The top one doesn't have weft cones yet because now Doug needs to wind off more skeins.  Since I emptied quite a few cones, he now has enough to finish the job.

Not sure what I will do for the next few days but I'm definitely feeling like I need to increase my activity levels in order to continue to recover.  My goal is to walk at least once a day, preferably twice, although that doesn't always work out due to weather or appointments.

But I managed another milestone yesterday by getting my step count almost to 5000.  Mind you I think some of those steps were because I knitted for a while and Fitbit seems to think knitting is akin to walking.  :)  Still, it has been nice to see the numbers trending upwards.

Prior to this latest round of health issues my step count goal was 10,000, reduced to 7500 after the angioplasty and back blowing out last summer.  My goal is to get back to 10,000 - eventually.  But whatever number I get to, I want it to be more than 5000.

Everyone - and I mean everyone - keeps telling me walking is the best thing I can do.  I disagree.  I think weaving is the best thing I can do!  But I'm not quite there yet, so walking will have to do until I can.

Currently reading So Anyway by John Cleese


  1. Wanna see a FitBit totally weird out?

    Ride a horse. Horses have a 4 beat walk. FitBit thinks you're sprinting...for miles and miles.

  2. I doubt that your FitBit thinks knitting is steps. Mine doesn't record weaving, even on my Macomber which requires a fair amount of leg movement, as walking. I think you actually WALKED 5,000 steps!

    Good on you!

  3. My fitbit gets tucked into my sock during weaving and records treadling. :)


  4. Pester the cardiologist's office. The squeaky wheel and all that...

  5. Ooo, Laura, you're sneaky with that Fitbit in your sock! But I still can't imagine how it thought knitting was steps.....

  6. Well, perhaps weaving for your mind and spirit, walking for your body. But walking or weaving, I'm so glad you're winding warps again. Your recovery is good news indeed. Keep it up.

    Happy SPRING! It'll only get better from here. All the best from the US.

    Tom Z in IL USA
