
Thursday, April 30, 2015

It Isn't Finished...

All together now...

...until it's wet finished.

But before that can happen, a whole lot of knot tying needs to be done.  By my calculations I believe there are 28 shawls in these three bins to be tied.  Doug has already done some sessions pressing what I've managed to get ready.  Of course, once they are wet finished, they still have to be trimmed and tagged.

However, the weaving part is now officially done.  I cut the last warp off the loom a few minutes ago but before I begin on the's lunch time.  Or will be in a few minutes.  Because when you are self-employed, you get to choose when to take breaks, right?

1 comment:

  1. I bought your wet finishing video and was so pleased I did. It is a revelation and has helped me already. Thank you for your wisdom and experience.
