
Thursday, April 9, 2015

One Bite

Again, not quite accurate to life...the orange is much brighter, more like the orange in the shuttle.

This is, in the count down from #18, warp #10.  When I finish weaving this warp I will be half way through the shawl warps.  And that much closer to recovery.  The exercises the physio gave me are beginning to do their work and I have less discomfort from protesting muscles and am beginning to feel stronger.  I even tested myself on a small hill on Wednesday and managed fairly well.  I can tell how out of shape I've gotten over the past few months, but the nice thing about muscles is that as you use them, they do get stronger.

I mentioned in the last post that I take private students.  Generally people come for 3 to 5 days and they work on the more subtle aspects of weaving, working to improve their physical skills, looking at issues of ergonomics.  Essentially most of the content covered in the dvd The Efficient Weaver, but personalized.  It's really hard to see yourself from the back for instance, so difficult to see if posture is good, if there are bad habits that might lead to repetitive stress injuries and so on.

People can either stay with me in our very modest house, or take a room at a nearby motel which is clean and fairly quiet and reasonably cheap.  Tuition is currently $100 per day plus an additional $25 per day if staying with us.  One student came with her husband who explored the area around the town while she was in the studio.  If you like hiking or the outdoors, we've got plenty.  Lakes and rivers abound, wildlife never seems to be far away (although no guarantees) plus there are other attractions, like Barkerville.  At one time it was the largest city north of San Francisco as gold prospectors flooded the area with the discovery of gold in the 1800's.

One thing though, this summer we are hoping to get some work done on the house so it might be a bit of a construction zone.  But the studio will still be here.

And it looks like there might be a Beginning Weaving Workshop here at the guild room May 23/24.

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