
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Job List

Got home to a mail box filled with parcels, including this 'bunny eared bag o' goodness' as Janet Dawson calls them.  Apparently someone forgot to put the invoice in, though.  If it doesn't come under separate cover today I will have to email them because I know it isn't free!  OTOH, there may be a second bag.  Yes, I ordered in a lot of yarn in spite of having SABLE...seems like I never have what I need on hand!

The trip to HWSDA went well.  It wasn't very busy so there was time to visit with friends, new and old.  It is what I will miss most, 'retiring' from vending yarn - the fellowship of like-minded people.  But neither of us is getting any younger and yarn is heavy, in spite of what some people think.  Or at least, the yarn I most like to work with and have been selling.  Cotton, linen, Tencel/rayon - all are fairly dense yarns so a lot of weight in small packages.

Also came home to the realization that various deadlines are (pun alert) looming.  Another show contract arrived so that needs to be returned today.  Still one more show to hear from.  I guess I need to nag them and find out if that show is going ahead - or not.

There is prep work to be done for Olds.  I'm teaching Level 1 this year in tandem with another teacher because they manged to fill two this year.  New topic means another learning curve for me.

There is also prep work for the webinar with Interweave Press in July.  This one will be on lace weaves and I will let people know when registration will be open for that.  I just happen to love lace weaves but I need to do a Power Point presentation, get some crisp photos of samples, generate drafts, etc., etc.  I figure at least 10 hours to get it ready.

I'm nearly done the shawl warp and after selling so many tea towels in Alberta decided my next warp will be a run of those.  I need to use up more of Lynn's fine linen yarns, plus that will give me some hemming to do in the evenings while watching tv.

Lastly, more health issues, not mine this time but my mom.  I have to accompany her to her doctor appointment.  It doesn't sound like good news.  :(

Currently reading Martin Walker The Children Return


  1. Sorry to hear that your Mom is having health troubles Laura! Many hugs to you both, and I hope that she'll recover quickly.

  2. Your mom is in my thoughts and prayers.
