
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Over the Hump

Again, colours not 'true' to real life.  The red is darker and redder, not so orange.

I have completely lost count of how many shawls I've woven.  I think this might be number eight.  With an expected 12 shawls for this warp, that means I'm very nearly 2/3's of the way through this warp.  It won't be done before we leave, but it will come off fairly quickly after we get back.

In the meantime I've ordered more of the 2/16 bamboo in order to do another warp but this time all blues and greens with no black in the warp.

I was starting to panic a wee bit wondering if I had enough yarn for weft when I suddenly remembered a special order of hand dyed 2/16 rayon.  Some of it will get used on this warp but I will save most of it for the next.  It's mostly blues, a teal green and black.

There is also the fine Bambu 12 that is currently packed up ready to go to the Alberta Conference - whatever doesn't sell there will be assigned to the next warp.  I'm getting quite low in terms of colour options but over all I've been pleased with the results so far.

Quite often this is when I make things that are more exciting than my usual - I choose things I wouldn't ordinarily consider, just because I have fewer choices.  And I'm almost always pleased.  Not to mention I learn more about colour interactions.  I wasn't entirely sure the above burgundy red was going to work (and I wish the photo was closer to the actual colour) because it is turning out quite well.  By the time it's wet finished and given a good hard press to bring up the shine, I think it's going to look really good.

It has finally stopped raining - for now - the van is loaded and other than packing our clothes and personal items we are about ready.  It's going to be a whirlwind trip and very tiring.  I'm glad I don't have much in the way of appointments next week.  I may need some quality time with my stack of library books.  

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