
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Forging Onwards

The photo is a little dark because the view is under the loom.  But the colours are pretty close to real life, so...

Today the yarn order arrived.  You remember, the yarn order I had to put in because we sold so much yarn at Red Deer we didn't have enough for the vendor booth at Olds?  Yes, that order.  Two large bunny eared bags of goodness, plus a small box.

As Doug minds the cone winder and I try to find the files for the labels, I'm reminded again of why I'm getting out of the yarn selling business.  I'd really rather be weaving than rooting through my computer (which appears to be dying!) looking for files or generating new ones when I can't find the old ones.

Even though I will miss visiting with the participants at the shows, I'm not going to miss lugging heavy boxes of yarn, dealing with the paperwork, etc., etc.  It's time to let that go and carry on with what makes my little heart go pit-a-pat.  And that is weaving.  Even with 8 pirns dangling off the back of the loom!  I discovered that if I am very, very careful about letting the pirns down exactly as far as they can go, I can in fact get two towels woven before I have to drop them again.

Just finished winding the rest of the rose off onto bobbins so when that is done, that is another cone used up.  My next choice for weft is a three strand (it's not plied) linen which is pretty much the same grist as the warp and should weave up nicely.  I'm hoping the humidors will help keep the yarn co-operative.

With the guild sale on Saturday, though, I have prep work to do for that and may not get to the linen until Sunday.  So nice to see the stash going down (we won't mention all that yarn that just arrived!)

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