
Friday, June 19, 2015

Olds Fibre Week

So, we made it.  It even stopped raining long enough to pack in.   Set up went smoothly as we were able to drive the van right into the building, so even if it had been raining we would have been ok.   And my classroom is in the same building.  Zachary, bless his heart, took the cart with ALL the stuff for class to the classroom.  I'm hoping to get in early tomorrow morning so I can start unpacking ALL the boxes, get things set out on display and dress the loom with the value scale warp.

All in all, things are going smoothly.  I'm hoping for a nice quiet dinner and evening tonight.  

Here is how the booth looked.  Well, part of it.  We have two spaces, so you can't see all of it in this picture. 


  1. I always love that moment when, after loading in for a show, you step back and see everything as a whole, with all the colors and textures filling the shelves and racks. So much of the time, the finished work is packed away out of sight, and it's the one time when you can see all of your hard work together and enjoy the results.

  2. I'm so glad that you're feeling well/strong enough to take on this event!

  3. I don't know where you find the energy for all you do. Hope this is most successful. I see a few towels missing from my Laura collection. Anxiously await the new message!!
