
Friday, July 31, 2015

A Little Introspection

Striped towel from a couple of years ago - which I'm thinking of revisiting in different colourways, different yarns...

One of the things that has been providing some distraction for me is re-reading some of my older blog posts.

I started the blog just about exactly 7 years ago (August 2008), partly as an expression of hope for a future that had so nearly been snatched from me, partly as a diary of what it is that I do - a reminder of where I have been and what I actually accomplish, rather than the Inner Critic constantly harping on at me about not doing 'enough'.

Since the blog started I have been through multiple health issues (and I very much appreciate people who have supported me through those) and come through the other side.  There is a 'poster' on Facebook that kind of sums up life, really:

If I knew who the artist was I'd give credit, but the source doesn't appear to be indicated.  Whoever made the image, thank you, it perfectly sums up Life - in my experience.

So, the webinar is over.  I have heard directly from two people who took it and found it helpful.  Thanks for letting me know.  :)   I do 'better' when conveying technical information to have a live audience so that I can gauge how well I'm getting the information across.  It was a contemplate doing a fairly conceptual topic without that feedback.  But now that I've survived, I'm thinking about other topics I might be able to do.

Which brings me back to the towels at the top of this post.  I use the Fibonacci series as a design tool.  It might be fun to do a webinar on how I use the series in terms of designing stripes.  To do a Power Point presentation would mean a whole lot of prep work, but I think could...I think I could...


  1. Hi, Laura. I registered for the webinar, but the sound was clearly messed up at my end...probably due to my slow-ish internet connection. So I left after just a few minutes. I've waited for CraftDaily to send me a link to the recorded such luck. Responded to their "thanks for attending" email with above info, hoping for a reply. Still hoping. Got any insights here?

  2. My error above -- wrong name for web host. Should be CraftU. Doesn't change what else I said.

  3. The link should come live soon - they said 48 business hours...

  4. Fwiw, I'd be interested in a new webinar about your design process
