
Saturday, July 4, 2015


hemmed and ready to go (except for final pressing)  
Warp:  2/16 cotton, weft 100% linen
Price:  $38 each
boxes - 4
twill blocks (middle) 3
zig-zag - 6

still on the loom, same as above.  vertical lines are reed marks which should disappear (pretty much) during wet finishing.  I'm calling this design 'confetti'.  Three woven so far, probably going to do six.

It's July and it's hot!  Hotter than we are used to, especially when it comes with the higher humidity we get in the summer.  I'm so grateful we have air conditioning or weaving would be nigh impossible.  I heard a forecast that said this summer was going to be wicked hot, which is nice, in a way, but not for the long term.  We are already in a state of dangerously high wild fire conditions.  So far we have been lucky in this part of the province - other parts?  Not so much.

My special offering continues until July 9.  I'm including these towels even though some of them are still in process - in fact - still on the loom.  But they will be off very soon.  

Remember - buy two items until July 9 (inclusive) and you get free shipping.

Currently reading the Ballad of Jacob Peck by Debra Komar - a true crime book about a murder that took place in New Brunswick in the early 1800's.  


  1. How can we sign up for the webinar on the 27th of July? Is it through Interweave?

  2. Yes, through Interweave/Weaving Today/Craft U. I will post the link here when ready. Right now Janet Dawson is doing one on how to adjust a design to make it your own.

