
Monday, July 6, 2015


There are eleven copies of A Good Yarn: Rayon with woven samples (before and after wet finishing) left.  Once these are gone, I doubt very much any publication I do in the future will have samples.  In fact, I can pretty much guarantee it.

Not because I can't weave the samples or put the publication together.  I have all the equipment and even the materials to do another publication.  It's the shipping costs that are killing a 'real' book.  Every year postage has gone up, not to mention the price of the padded envelopes I've been using to mail them.

'Shipping' isn't just the postage, it's all the other things that go into getting a parcel ready to put into the mail - as I say, padded envelope, customs forms, driving to the post office (I don't have pick up or free shipping materials in Canada).  Technically I also need to have the recipients phone number if I am to do the customs forms on-line - or Canada Post won't do the pre-printed forms, so a trip in person to the post office is required.

All of these add up and I've come to the conclusion that it's time to go digital.

That being said...there are still 11 copies of this publication left.  If purchased before July 10 along with one other item, you get free shipping.  Price of AGY: Rayon is just $40 Cdn.  How about this:

just $20 - a great tutorial on how to develop any double width cloth

Stay tuned for announcements about digital publications, maybe as soon as the end of this year.

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