
Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Having done an inventory of what I've got ready for the fall shows, I was able to tell what colours I needed to make in order to have a good selection for sale.  While Mary was here, I wound warps and here are five ready to go.  I also noticed I was low on natural 2/8 cotton, so I'm waiting for another yarn order to arrive.

Mary helped by beaming a place mat warp before she left so I spent the morning (when I finally got myself to the loom) threading that.  Now I have a dental appointment so it will have to wait until I get home before I finish sleying and tieing it on.

In addition to these warps, I need more all white and more neutral.  These warps will get interspersed between weaving on the AVL.  There are still about 6 yards (towels) left to weave on the blue/green warp.  After that is done, I will do another 40 yard warp of white/natural/beige in snails trails and cats paws (twill blocks) and then a shawl warp is scheduled.

But I also have other deadlines, the most pressing being the webinar on Craft U in just one week.  Working on making the butterflies fly in formation.  And I need to test my microphone on the new computer.  Eeps...


  1. Isn't Mary a 'peach'? They just don't make people like her any more! I'm glad you two got to spend precious time together! Looks like you 'soared to new heights'!!!! Blessings to you and try to keep it all in perspective! You have a wonderful life! Have so much to offer! And are blessed with such talent!!! I have learned so much from you and we've never even met!!!
    With great admiration,
    Slowly becoming 'efficient'!
    Ann Marie

  2. Hoping to visit Mary in Sept (hint, hint). ;)
