
Friday, September 11, 2015

A Night 'Off'

Rather than dig in to the pile of hemming Doug brought home, last night I worked on this:

The colours are a little brighter in the photo than real life, but over all I am pleased enough with the results.  The scarf is destined for the Cold Snap Music Festival which typically takes place in January.  It has become a bit of a tradition that all the performers get something hand made to keep the cold at bay. 

I am pleased enough with how this is turning out that I will dig in my hand spun stash to see if there is enough of something to do another. 

Currently reading Nature of the Beast by Louise Penny


  1. Interesting pattern and the colors are lovely.

  2. Beautiful yarn, beautiful scarf. Also, I didn't know Louise Penny had a new book out, or maybe it's an older one I haven't read.

  3. Beautiful yarn, beautiful scarf. Also, I didn't know Louise Penny had a new book out, or maybe it's an older one I haven't read.

  4. It's new, just came out last month.

