
Thursday, October 8, 2015

In the Beginning

The ice has broken.  It's probably crap, but it's a start...taking suggestions for content.  What would you like to see covered by moi?  Won't guarantee it will fit, but...


  1. Combine posts on a topic in your blog, mush them together nicely, and then elaborate on the topic. Your blog is awesome.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Laura,

    There are a lot of books out their for beginning weavers. I would like to see some content on next steps, more complex weave structures, etc.

  4. I like the idea of a book "After the Basics" as well. I seem to be stuck in a very safe and comfortable (but productive) rut and need a push to extend myself.

  5. Perhaps "Exploring the Boundaries"? Each of us has a "next step" of where we'd like to be in weaving. Whether it's to beyond plain weave or twills... or to vastly complex weaves, is there a common thread of what we need to do to move beyond our comfort zone? "Just do it" may be difficult for some. What steps have you had to make in your years of weaving to hit the boundaries of what you presently know in loom knowledge... in using yarn and making choices for design? Is there something beyond your present boundaries of knowledge that you'd like to explore and to take us there with you?

  6. and with that my marketing brain just saw a picture of a selvedge with a "blurry something" just beyond it, looking tantalizing!
