
Tuesday, November 10, 2015


We got the booth set up relatively quickly this morning.  Returning to the hotel around noon, Doug took the opportunity to nap, so we had a late lunch.  And then he napped some more.  I read my library book.  It started raining, so there wasn't much incentive to go sight seeing.  

Wednesday is Remembrance Day in Canada, and there are still employers who close for business so traditionally November 11 is a busy day for this show.   For the first time the show will open at 9 am instead of 10, so it is going to be a very long day.

There is no telling if the people who come will be inspired to purchase my work but I have good booth placement right on the main aisle, the booth is full of colourful things, and we are as ready as we can be.  

Show time!

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