
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Day Four


A little different angle so that the corner display can be seen.  The mirror is on the inside of my booth.  When it was on the outside, too many people who were not customers were using it, preventing my customers from using it.  Sometimes you have to be a little 'selfish'.  You always have to bear in mind human behaviour.  

Doug had offered to set the corner rack up with four lights instead of two.   I think next year I might do that.   The rack really isn't lit well enough. Live and learn.

Usually Saturday is pretty busy at this show but there are no guarantees.  So far, today has been extremely slow.  I don't know if that is a reflection of the events in Paris or not.   There are always a million reasons for someone to NOT buy, especially something considered a 'luxury'.

But the event isn't over until it is over.


  1. I expect that lots of people were glued to their TVs, watching the Paris coverage in horror. I hope that things pick up on Sunday.

  2. Are those painted warps in the background? Lovely. Well, it's all beautiful!

  3. Sorry, that last post was me, Nuffles, from Ravelry.

  4. Yes, I tend to use variegated yarns and painted warps. Love how the colour interactions work out. ;)
