Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Done In

Close the Trans-Canada Hwy for 13 plus hours, stacking all the transports that drive through a mountainous,windy, twisty road into a miles long convoy, sprinkle with civilians, some of them fellow craftspeople with heavily loaded vans or trailers, sprinkle liberally with adverse weather conditions.  Let the tractors wear chains (please let them be wearing chains), chewing the compact snow into something approximating washboard, add rain, sleet, at times blowing snow and we were all shaken, not stirred.  

A drive that would, in reasonable conditions, take about five hours, took 8.5.  

We arrived at six am, Alberta time with a loading time of 10-12 noon.  We may, or may not, make it.  

Too much stress, too little decent food, way too little sleep.   I sure hope the trip home is more pleasant, not to mention the 1.5 day drive next week to teach, then home again.  I am about done in.


Antonia Renee said...

Wow...just decided not to complain about our rain.

Antonia Renee said...
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Nancy said...

good thoughts are going out to you from the fiber community at large for your trek, Laura! and what a difference from where you were a year ago, health-wise!

Peg Cherre said...

Be safe, dear Laura. Nothing is worth risking your health. said...

That is so upsetting! I do really wish your way back home be more safe and comfortable! Take care.

Keesha said...

So sorry to hear you are having such difficulties. I would much rather see you home safe and sound writing your book. I would be willing to pay for my copy in advance with no time limit on when you get it done. Maybe you could publish it chapter by chapter as ebooks and have a subscription? Trying to come up with a way to keep you off those winter roads and reduce your stress.

Anonymous said...

"Done In - WEAVING A LIFE" is a beautifully written piece that highlights the importance of prioritizing our mental and physical health. As a health doctor, I couldn't agree more with the author's message about taking breaks and finding balance in our lives. Weaving a fulfilling life takes effort and self-care, and this article serves as a great reminder of that.