
Tuesday, November 17, 2015


We are holed up at the Revelstoke Tim Horton's because the road east is closed due to an accident.  It is snowing wet snow, the road has been slushy and/or full of broken compact snow.  We are still five hours from Calgary...when road conditions are good.  Which they are not.  

There are parking lots filled with all the regular transport traffic that routinely runs along Highway 1.  When the road opens all of the traffic that has been sitting idle since the road closed at 6 am this morning is going to be anxious to get to where they need to be.   Including us.  

I expect there are other craftspeople who are also stuck, but hopefully comfortably ensconced somewhere there is hot coffee and wifi, like we are.  

We have been doing the Calgary show for several years, always in the knowledge that the weather can be nasty.   We have been fairly lucky with driving conditions but after this trip I may decide it is just too stressful.

In spite of the time off after surgery in January I managed to get quite a lot woven.  If I do one less major show next year, I won't have to work quite so hard at the weaving, which would give me more time for writing.  Plus I'm booked to do some teaching (in western Canada) next year.  

I am going to have to think long and hard about what direction I want to go and where I need to put my attention.  Driving through the Rockies in November isn't really very high on my list right now.  


  1. Have a safe trip. That's more important than getting to Calgary on time. The Rockies can be iffy anytime during Fall and Winter. Having grown up in Montana, I remember it well.

  2. After sitting in line for three hours, supposedly with traffic moving, which we were not, we came back to Revelstoke and got some dinner finally, at 8 pm. This show is looking less and less attractive as the hours have gone by. There are hundreds of transports lined up, no doubt many craftspeople in the same position we are. I am reaching the end of my desire to do this show...

