
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Home Again, Home Again

This time, to stay for a while.

We woke this morning to clear skies and what eventually turned into a brilliant sunny day.  The days are much shorter than the nights now, and will get even shorter until the solstice in about three weeks.  Fortunately, it comes back as quickly as it goes!

I am taking a 'quiet' day today.  There is a stack of administrivia that requires immediate attention and if I can clear that off my desk quickly, my studio goal for the day is to finish setting up the AVL and maybe even start weaving.  I left a 40 yard warp on the loom for more shawls.  I'm pretty sure that if I had had more colours to choose from that more would have sold.  I simply ran out of time, so this batch will be the start of next years production.  

While I managed to sleep well enough last night, I'm still feeling a bit befuddled, so I will take today to unpack and get organized with a goal of beginning to write tomorrow.  And then, hopefully, every day that I can, given appointments and commitments.  There is still the guild sale this weekend, but that is the last major commitment of this year.

For me, for many years, the new year doesn't begin on January 1 but when the show season is over and the winter solstice arrives to bring the returning sun.  This year is no different. 


  1. Welcome home! After your hectic show schedule, I think you deserve a few "quiet" days.

  2. Glad to hear you're home, safe and sound, Laura. I feel like I've been over a good bit of Canada on snowy roads these last few weeks. My year is over when my traveling is done and I'm home, also. I have one trip to go, but looking forward to the homecoming before I even go. Does this mean I'm getting old? Yes!!!!
