
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

363 days

I've used up three of my lives now, I think.  It was 363 days ago that I prepared for surgery - a fairly major surgery that left me weak as a kitten, but 'saved'.

It's been a long year in many ways - the recovery was long and challenging.  At times it was down right difficult, but I kept reminding myself that what I was going through was temporary.  That things would get better.  And they did.

I'm still not back to where I was before my body started to deteriorate - that slow steady decline that 'robbed' me of what physical fitness I had and sapped my energy.  I don't feel as though I am nearly back to where I was.  And I'm resigned to never - possibly - regaining it.  But, on the other hand, people have said that it took them up to three years to feel as though they had completely recovered from by-pass surgery.  So there may still be room for improvement.  And I can weave - so what if I can't walk up four flights of stairs anymore?

That sense making me feel that if I have goals, if I have a bucket list, I need to address them.  I need to work steadily, with focus, towards achieving what I would like to achieve.

Progress has been made on several fronts:

A good dent has been made in the text for The Book

The Olds College website has details of the level one class here in Prince George in May and I'm hoping there will be sufficient registrations that it will be a 'go'.  (It is also being run in North Carolina with Jean Curry teaching so if you are interested but on the east on the link and scroll down.)

There will be a 'beginning' weaving class here in April, and the Edmonton Guild has asked me to teach in June.  Plus there is the Olds Fibre Week later in June, where I may be teaching as well.

Stash has been woven down to the point where entire boxes have been emptied.

On a personal note, Doug and I will be taking a holiday in March, visiting friends in NC (and possibly at their cabin in TN), then again in September we are planning on touring round Nova Scotia.  We have always said we wanted to travel.  Better do it now.  I might be teaching on Cape Breton, too.

After getting through cardiac issues, cancer, then cardiac issues again, I have spent a lot of time thinking about Life and what is Important.  In the end, material goods are ephemeral.  Knowledge passed on to future generations will have some chance of surviving.  And so, in spite of my Inner Critic wondering what on earth I'm doing writing yet another book about weaving, I carry on in hopes of helping others.  Sharing what I've learned seems to me to be the best thing I can do.  Encouraging others to be creative, helping them to overcome the obstacles they might encounter on their journey of learning.  Lending a hand, an ear, a bit of assistance in figuring out what might be going 'wrong' and how to make it 'better'. 

To me that seems the most valuable thing I can do right now.  Because to light someone else's candle does not diminish my own...


  1. Thank you. I am looking forward to reading your book
    Stephanie S

  2. Thank you for lighting my candle!

  3. There is much wisdom in your conclusions and it is no small thing. I for one am enjoying and investing in the fruits I have gleaned from you sharing the knowledge you have gained. Thank you so much for taking the time to do so. I hope that in the future I am allowed to do the same. I have several granddaughters that i hope will carry on something of what i have learned. God is not finished with us yet.

  4. I have learned much from you, Laura, about weaving and Life.

    I have to say though, that material things are only somewhat transitory. We have linens from ancient Egyptians, for goodness sake. Is that still not permanent? Sure, but it's good enough for me!

  5. Thanks for the comments on your recovery. I had valve repairs done a week ago and was really surprised at how tired I am. Its good to know it will come back if I'm just patient. But its so hard!
