
Thursday, January 28, 2016


The above textiles were woven for A Good Yarn:  Linen.  They are primarily linen, although some of them are combined with either hemp or cotton.  As such they share some characteristics, but there are subtle nuances because of the different combinations of fibres.

I think it is this aspect of weaving that continually attracts me to keep exploring, keep pushing boundaries...keep learning.

I've got the broad strokes - I have my preferred methods, processes and equipment which don't change very much from day to day.  I have my comfort zone in terms of what I like to make and which yarns I prefer to use to make them.

But there are times when I do choose to try different things.  Not as often, perhaps, as I should, but often enough that I am very aware of the nuances in using the different fibres.  The inelasticity of linen compared to the huge elasticity of some wools, for example. 

I like to contrast matte and shiny yarns for effect and I like to create the illusion of curves within the grid of the cloth.

Weaving is like that - simple but complex.  Bold but subtle.  Structured but flexible.

Weaving satisfies me on so many different levels - intellectual, creative, disciplined, free.  I need to use math regularly (thank goodness for calculators), visualize, break through creative constraints, make mistakes - and learn from them.  Weaving has been for me intellectual stimulation, educational, therapeutic.

Weaving has allowed me to weave a life.  

And for that I remain continually grateful.


  1. I really like your weavings, so subtle as are all the fabrics you have in your image. Its good to hear about people that get real pleasure out of their craft, well I guess thats why we all do it and I think we all have ups and downs and often blog about the downs rather than the ups.
    I read about the book you mentioned in the last post and was wondering whether to purchase it. Is it mainly cloth weaving or does it cover tapestry as well?

  2. There is a small section on tapestry but it is mostly about *all* of the things that can be done on a rigid heddle loom. If you don't do anything but tapestry, one of the publications that focuses on just that technique would be a better option for you. For someone just starting out on a rigid heddle loom, or even a more experienced weaver wanting to push the boundaries of their equipment, Syne's book is comprehensive.

  3. Thanks Laura, I might buy it then, my tapestry work isn't traditional and I often use the Ashford knitters loom which I think classifies as a rigid heddle as I like doing long pieces.

  4. Yes, it is a rigid heddle loom.

