
Wednesday, February 3, 2016


This is an old photo, but the studio doesn't look a whole lot different than this at the moment.

With being sick for the past week and another few days of recovery in the cards, I am woefully 'behind' in my self-imposed schedule.  It is also becoming abundantly clear that I need to see about a new prescription for eye glasses as it is getting harder and harder for me to see...clearly.  But I hesitate to go for an examination when I'm congested and bleary-eyed from a head cold. 

As I watch the calendar days flip by, I am confronted by a long list of stuff that I really wanted to have done before we left on our holiday - and which simply aren't going to happen.  My goal of having the text completed before we left was unrealistic, but I really thought I would be farther along than I currently am.  No point in trying to string words together when I'm so woolly headed.

And of course the homework from Olds is beginning to arrive.  Those boxes are going to have to take priority.  Unfortunately, Doug is in the middle of winding skeins onto cones, and my work table pretty much looks like the photo above...

And here I am, not doing anything productive, dithering about what I ought to be doing, accomplishing nothing.

Time to rip up that old schedule and make up a new, much more realistic one - one that includes a couple more days of rest and recovery before I plunge back into the fray.


  1. Hope you feel better soon! I hate feeling wooly-headed, too, for the same reason - can't get anything complex or meaningful done.

  2. Laura. Go see your eye doctor. I was having a lot of difficulty seeing and convinced myself that my eyes were failing overnight so I got an appointment yesterday. After examining my eyes and finding no change from an appointment last year, it was determined that adjusting my classes would help my frustration of not seeing. My lenses are progressive and so if you are looking through the wrong part of your lenses you are going to have problems. This was good news as my eyes are the same as they were last year and now I am seeing quite well again.

  3. It happens to all of us. More often than we'd like. I've not been ill, but have been repeatedly pulled away from my 'work' by mom and grandma tasks. Shouldn't that be more important? It feels so at the moment I'm called, but then the loom looms.....
