
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Road Trip

We set out at 7:30 in heavy fog, which lasted far too long, then it cleared and showed off lovely blue skies.  I forget how low the sun is this time of year but the constant sun in my eyes as we wended our way ever more southward was a reminder!  Thank goodness for wrap around sun glasses...

By the time we got to Hope the sun was hidden behind the clouds snagged on the mountains.  As we turned west heading towards Vancouver it rained.  They call this the wet coast for a reason!

As dark descended, it got very black and we were more than happy to stop for the night.  Hopefully it won't be rainy tomorrow but this IS the wet coast...

I'm glad I brought lots of yarn with me because I finished one scarf already.  In the hotel room I cast on for another.  There will be several more hours in the van before we arrive at our friends house.  Can't have idle hands!

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