
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Showing Up

So many people comment on how productive I am and wonder if I sleep at night.

Well, not as much or as well as I would like, but yes, I do sleep!

One of my secrets - other than honing my skills and becoming as efficient as possible - is that I show up.  I try to show up every day, regardless of how I'm feeling.  I make weaving a priority, not an after thought.

I know all too well how difficult this is when life is full.  Full of obligations.  Full of family commitments.  Full of...stuff.

A long time ago I was talking to someone who very badly wanted to turn her creative work into her 'real' work.  But she had to work a 'real' job so that she could collect a 'real' paycheque.

She wondered how I was managing to turn weaving into a career.  I told her that I set aside a certain amount of time every single day to get into the studio.  Even if it was 'just' fifteen minutes.  That I never said to myself "I only have 15 minutes, it's not worth going to the studio."  What I said instead was "I have 15 minutes.  What can I get done in that amount of time?"

And then I would go do that.  Even if it was just winding bobbins for the next weaving session.  Even if it was just choosing colours for the next warp.  Even if it was just tidying.

I showed up.  I showed up every day.  I showed up even when I didn't feel like it.  Even when I had a headache, or a back ache, or would have much rather been taking a nap.

My studio time was a serious commitment and I showed up.

There was a meme on Facebook the other day.  It said something like 'inspiration is for amateurs'.  Creative people do not wait for 'inspiration'.  They go do the work.  They make their art/craft - badly - until they gain the skills to make it well.

You have to show up.  And you have to do the work.


  1. I love the way you make the complicated and confusing into something so simple and true. Thanks!

  2. I love the way you make the complicated and confusing into something so simple and true. Thanks!

  3. I, too, show up every day, even if for a short time. Although I admit that sometimes the time is spent on other aspects of the business, like record keeping, or ordering supplies, or finances, or the ever-important wet finishing process, or....well, you know, the list is almost endless. ;-)
