
Monday, April 4, 2016


Life is full of ups and downs, ins and outs, lefts and rights, backwards and forwards.  The only thing certain about life is that Things Will Change.  (And Death and Taxes, but that isn't the subject of this post!)

About 12 years ago I had the opportunity to obtain a large steam press.  So large it would not fit into my studio.  This necessitated renting additional space which came to be known as The Annex.  It was space in the same building as where I originally learned to spin and weave.  Not the exact same room, but in the same building.

The space was large enough that part of it became devoted to storage, first for copies of Magic that remained unsold, then yarn, then completed inventory.  Renting this space has been a constant drain on my resources and it has been a struggle at times to make the money to pay the rent.  So off and on, now and then, I have thought that I really need to give up the press and the space.

Well, the universe has spoken.

The space below where I have the annex has been rented to a tire store.  (The space is in a light industrial area.)

The thought of having even yarn in a space that will soon be filled with the fumes from tires is the final straw in finally making a decision.

I've asked Doug to find out when the tire store will move in (I am assuming the beginning of next month) so that we can begin to arrange for the removal of All My Stuff from The Annex.

When you don't make a decision, sometimes it is made for you.

Of course, I've just purchased several hundred pounds of yarn which I had been intending to store in The Annex...oops.

Currently reading Off the Grid by C. J. Box


  1. Strange how things work out -- you've been debating getting rid of Puff for a while, too. Do you have a new home in mind for him (her)? And all that new yarn … it's going to be a bit cozy in your studio for a while!

  2. Doug is going to look for a buyer

  3. Sometimes I find it preferable when decisions are made for me. No more waffling, it's clear what must be done, so just do it. Other times, of course, I hate things forced on me. ;-)

    Life is full of contradictions.

    Maybe a little shed in your yard for storage? Better solution is to use up the stash and downsize...if possible.
