
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"When I am old...

...I shall wear red and purple..."

The colours in this photo are much lighter than in real life.  The red is so dark and more into the blue, so it actually does 'go' with the purple.  I will weave a full sized sample and see how well I like the finished results.  I have used this yarn before in the warp and had no particular problems with it, but usually mixed with smoother yarns.  So I don't know if having only this yarn in the warp is going to work the way I want it to.   Sample, sample, sample!

For now, I need to get back to the loom and finish this place mat warp.  Then do one more before starting this prototype warp.  


  1. Laura, I use this type of rayon bouclé for warp all the time, and especially like it when weaving with a similar weight of chenille, as it makes the chenille behave. I have a few different sizes of the bouclé, and will use a sett of 12 epi for a 1450 ypp yarn (not as close as when using a chenille warp). I do have to be careful in the wet finishing, making sure when in the dryer it doesn't twist and then permanently crease. That said, once dry it is very supple, and the bouclé makes for a nice twisted fringe which I create after it is dry...much better than the fringe I get with a chenille warp. Try it, you'll like it (in a sample, of course)!
    Cheers, Lynn

  2. Oops, meant to say I use just the bouclé as warp, with chenille as the weft. Looks nice even with contrasting colors; and if the bouclé has bumps that peek through, all the better! -Lynn

  3. I love your term "full sized sample." That's what I call a scarf :)
