
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Begin, Again

Now that the warp on the AVL is woven, it is time to get back to Olds class prep.  I kept thinking I had three weeks.  Wrong!  I have (gulp) nine days!

So it is back to warp winding, sample pulling, teaching aid deciding, equipment packing, papers photocopying, and CD burning.  

I can't forget anything because there will be no running home at lunch to fetch things...


  1. I did my first weather check for the Olds class this morning. I'm very excited (and, truthfully, nervous) to be going!

  2. Layers. Can be chilly at night, hot during the day. :)

  3. I've been watching the calendar fly by. Spent a few hours in the middle of the night last night unable to shut off the brain, thinking of the things I need to do for the two shows I have in the next four weeks, and how to accomplish them. :( Not sleeping doesn't help!

  4. Yes, me too! And I couldn't get to sleep last night either. Phase of the moon??? :(

  5. I found your blog through Weave-away and have spent time looking through your posts... I have had fun reading them. I am a new weaver (This month) and loved the post on beginners questions. Very insightful and helpful thank you
