
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Confronting Chaos

Between the unpacking from Olds Fibre Week, the pending move out of the annex, the Reno/repairs to the house AND writing The Book, this is the current state of the studio.  

I guess I ought not complain as there is still a goat trail through?

The AVL is empty with a 100 yard warp scheduled for next, there are scarf warps wound for the small loom, edits to finish, text to be written, projects designed and tested, fringe twisting elf to be trained - for whenever I get the new line woven.  

There are craft fairs to be prepared for, teaching trips to be organized, and my mothers 90th birthday 'party' to be dealt with.  Since I am, in fact, out of town on the date, it will have to be a moveable feast.  I hope the family doesn't mind.  :-/

There is also wet finishing and pressing to be done, at some point and we won't discuss the hemming I didn't do while I was away.  

It is at times like this that I have to remember that this IS the life I chose...

1 comment:

  1. Oh and what a beautiful life it is! Can you imagine a life without weaving? Not me! Even though I am a beginner every time I look at the loom my heart smiles. Happy Birthday to your Mother, 90 is fantastic... Have a great week
