
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Embarrassment of Riches

This is just some of the yarn I am trying to use up.  

So far I have woven a few warps of two scarves each, and wound six more.  And I haven't even scratched the surface because there are many more boxes of yarn still in storage...this was just an effort to design a scarf line and begin weaving it.  

The van is loaded with much of my studio tools so I decided to not do any weaving today.  Instead I have been trying to think what else I might have forgotten.  And so far remembered a couple of critical things!   Like the class manual with my notes and sheets for marking class exercises!  Oops...that would have been bad.  

The rain has stopped...for now.  So glad my route is east, not north as that highway is closed due to washouts.  Fingers crossed the rain has truly stopped.  

Still a few more personal items to pack, but I am nearly ready.  


  1. When I really pay attention to how much yarn and fiber and books and tools I have, it truly is embarrassing. Except it's all also making me so very happy!

  2. Its true, I too am blessed with way too much yarn. But we could spend our money on much worse things, no?
