
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Bottom Line

Stack of warps waiting to be woven

 One of the things that makes me sad is seeing photos on the internet of people sitting at looms with poor posture/position.  Why does that make me sad?  Because I know these people are inviting injury to their bodies.  It is one reason I really like teaching brand new weavers - I can discuss ergonomics with them and explain why some positions are 'better' than others - before they develop 'bad habits'.

One student let me know today that after taking a class with me in May and adopting some techniques I shared in class that she is not only able to dress her loom in less time - she didn't have to stop because of pain and take pain relievers.  All good things, in my opinion.

Another student let me know on day 1 of a 5 day class that she always suffered pain upon dressing a loom and weaving.  At the end of the 5 days, she shared the fact that she had not had any pain to speak of (in comparison to what she usually experienced).

Another brand new weaver thanked me for showing that weaving didn't have to be slow and painful, that she now had hope that she could weave and it didn't need to take days to dress a loom, it was possible to do it much faster than that.

Bottom line for me is to improve the experience of weaving for those who are encountering tangles, messes, difficulties and pain.

Just finished reading Reykjavik Nights by Arnaldur Indridason.  (The translation seemed a bit...awkward to me, but it was an interesting look at a different culture.)   Currently reading Wolf Winter by Cecilia Ekba:ck (thanks to Serena for the recommendation.)

1 comment:

  1. I admit I have to think of my posture often while I weave. I'm a sloucher. But at least I think about it and adjust when I do.
