
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Use It, or Lose It

I've been told that muscle tone starts to reduce after three days of not using them.  I have seen this in action whenever I am away from the loom for more than a week.  

It has been about 10 days since I've done any 'serious' weaving and I felt it when I got back to the loom today.  

As I am only home for about two weeks before I leave again, I will no sooner get back to 'normal', then leave, this time for three weeks.  While I will be taking a workshop during my trip, it won't be my usual sort of weaving.  Then, once I'm home it will be all steam ahead in terms of show season.  I hope I can fit at least a few days in, here and there, just to keep my hand in, as it were.  

Because if you don't use it, you do, indeed, lose it.  

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