
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

'Shadow' Bucket List

Mysterious object - attached to an 'industrial' loom at an old mill in England.  If I remember correctly, it is a carousel holder for pirns for the fly shuttle on the loom.

It seems as though lately 'bucket' lists have become popular.  I'm quite sure we all have things we would like to do, places we would like to see, while we still can.

We had hoped to cross The Pond next spring, but with the renovations now spanning winter, they won't be complete until the year is well advanced.  And then I have what is shaping up to be a very busy teaching schedule in May and June.  Since I'm not a big fan of traveling in tourist season, I'd almost given up going for a holiday next year.

And then I heard from my friend in Sweden who casually (?) mentioned that the Vav conference would be happening in her neck of the September.

Now, being a production weaver, my autumns have been rather stressful, since the sale season begins the end of October.  However, I do have a rather substantial amount of inventory, and if I get very organized in January through April, I could actually pump up the inventory well in advance so that a holiday in September would be possible.

And attending the Vav conference in Sweden?  Never once in my life thought it would be possible!  It was such an impossibility, it wasn't even on my bucket list.  But it was on my 'shadow' bucket list - you know, the stuff you'd love to do but never, ever expect to be able to do it?  

Like - write a book.  Make a DVD - or two.  Teach all over the place.  And yet I did do those.  Maybe I can get to Vav after all?


  1. Oh, I hope you can get there. You and Kirsten will have a wonderful time!

  2. What an incredible opportunity. I'd only learned about this recently as well, but it's not for me this year.

    But this conference is now firmly on my radar.

    Best wishes that you are able to attend!
