
Saturday, January 21, 2017


My living room.

There are times when Life Happens and priorities have to be changed.

I have barely made it to the loom so far this month.  Most of my time and available energy has been focused on getting mom's apartment cleaned out.  What with the renovations, running a business out of my home and now bringing things we want to keep from the apartment, we now officially have goat trails upstairs as well as down.

I have been trying to distribute the things we are not keeping directly from the apartment but there are things we do want to keep - we just don't have a place to put them given the current disruption due to the renovations.

The past week I have made a herculean effort to try to get my dining room table cleared off and was finally able to clear a small space so that I could tackle my year end, pay the sales tax(es) and write out cheques for pending bills.

More will get cleared off tomorrow.

I still haven't opened Christmas cards - mom's nor ours - partly because my usual practice is to open and write out replies.  Since I am having a hard time trying to think of a reply that is...appropriate...I just haven't gotten to that pile.

Yesterday a trailer load of household goods went to the local women's shelter, mom's china was picked up by her god-daughter and today more will be picked up by a friend.  There is a load of stuff to go to the thrift shop and then there are sewing things I'm keeping, and other items Doug thinks he can use in his workshop.  He just has no where to put it right away.  But everything has to be out by the end of this month, so he will have to do some shuffling.

The siding is almost done so we are hoping that the noise and clamour will soon end.  

Today I am going to get to the loom and try to finish off the last four towels.  If Doug can't press tomorrow, I may have to go on Monday.  Because the deadline for having those done is coming up very quickly now.

The lull I was hoping for this winter just didn't happen.  But that's Life.  You just gotta roll with it.

Currently reading Distilled - memoir of Charles Bronfman

1 comment:

  1. I continue to think of you at this challenging time. Not sure if it will help, but when my mom passed I too was overwhelmed with correspondence. I determined that I'd create a general note to everyone and add a handwritten touch, if I needed to, for each person. And the world continued spinning. When it comes time to open those holiday cards, remember that these are your friends, and friends understand and love you just the same, even if you send them a general note, like I did. I heard "thanks" and "love you", just the same :)
